Recruitment & Retention Programs
Connecting Health Professionals to Communities
About the Program
South Carolina AHEC administers the state’s financial incentive programs for clinicians who practice in rural and underserved communities. South Carolina AHEC Recruitment and Retention Programs provide financial incentives to healthcare professionals who practice in rural and underserved areas to improve the distribution of providers statewide. We have been committed to the recruitment and retention of healthcare professionals in the state through initiatives that have been ongoing and evolving for more than 40 years.
Approximately 21% of the state’s population lives in rural areas, but only 12% of the state’s dentists, 13% of nurse practitioners, 9% of physicians, and 11% of physician assistants practice in these areas. Incentive programs improve recruitment and retention in rural areas, helping address the maldistribution of healthcare providers in South Carolina.
Recruitment & Retention Programs Last Year
*Totals as of FY24, numbers subject to change
Recruitment & Retention Programs
The Rural Provider Incentive Program was initiated by the South Carolina Legislature in 1989 as the Rural Physician Program to address the undersupply of clinicians in rural and underserved South Carolina communities. The program provides incentive grants for primary care physicians and advanced practice professionals who commit to practice in a rural or underserved area of South Carolina for a period of four years. To date, the program has funded over 500 primary care providers in rural communities throughout South Carolina. Statistics have shown that retention rates are greatly enhanced if these professionals remain in the site for four or more years. Since 1990, 89% of physicians who were awarded incentive grants are actively practicing in South Carolina.
Program Details & Eligibility
For more information about the incentives, provider eligibility and the contractual process, please review the program one-pager and read the program handbook.
Application Process
Steps to Apply:
- Complete Eligibility Form (via the "Apply" button below).
- If eligible, you will be routed to the full application. If not eligible, please contact the Recruitment & Retention team to discuss.
- Please complete online application in the Submittable portal. You can save as a draft and return to submit when completed.
- You will receive a confirmation email after submitting your application. If you do not receive a confirmation email from Submittable within 24 hours, please contact
Required Documentation:
All application materials must be submitted online through the Submittable portal by the deadline in order to be considered. We will not accept any applications or documents via email, mail or fax. In order for your application to be considered complete, you must upload all required materials to your application in Submittable, including:
- Curriculum Vitae
- Completed Practice Site Profile Form* (This form is available for download within the application. It must be completed by the practice manager and uploaded to your application in Submittable.)
*Please note: you must have a practice site/employment location secured to be eligible for this program. For resources for identifying rural employment opportunities in South Carolina, please visit the South Carolina Office of Rural Health’s website.
Submit Application
Applications are submitted online via our Submittable portal. Applicants will create an account and can save and come back to edit their in-progress applications prior to submission. All supporting documents are uploaded through the application portal. The application must be fully complete and submitted in Submittable by the deadline to be considered. Please note: you must have a practice site/employment location secured to be eligible for this program.
Applicants will receive confirmation after submitting their application and can view application status at any time in their Submittable account. If you do not receive a confirmation or cannot see your application in Submittable, please contact
The application cycle is now open. All applications must be complete and submitted through the online portal by March 19, 2025 at 4:00pm EDT. Please be sure to submit early, to avoid last minute technical difficulties.
Apply for Incentive ProgramJoin the Mailing List
Join our mailing list to receive updates about the Rural Provider Incentive Program and get notified when application cycles open.
Join the Incentive Program Mailing ListProgram Administration
This program is administered by South Carolina AHEC and managed by the Rural Physician Board, the members of which are defined in the South Carolina Code of Laws. This board meets periodically to vote on applicants and to discuss other items of business. The Rural Physician Board is composed of representatives from the South Carolina Primary Health Care Association, the South Carolina Medical Association, the South Carolina Commission on Higher Education, the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control (DHEC), the South Carolina Hospital Association, the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services, the USC School of Medicine, an appointee of the South Carolina House of Representatives Medical, Military, Public and Municipal Affairs Committee, an appointee of the South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Committee, and three at-large members with two representing nursing and one representing allied health sciences.
In July of 2005, the Rural Dentist Program was established by the South Carolina Legislature. The funds for this program are appropriated to the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) and are administered by the South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium. The program assists in the repayment for educational loans of dentists who practice in a Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) or serve as full-time faculty at the MUSC College of Dental Medicine. The expectation is that during their commitment period these dentists will establish viable community practices or academic careers at the College of Dental Medicine, become involved in their respective communities and remain after the funding period is over. Priority for this program is given to those demonstrating need and expressing intent to remain in an underserved area or in an area of critical need at the MUSC College of Dental Medicine.
To qualify for this program, loans must be made with a recognized financial institution. To be eligible for the Dental Loan Repayment program, all applicants must have no outstanding service obligation for health professional service to the Federal Government (e.g., an active military obligation or National Health Service Corp), a State (e.g. State Loan Repayment Program or Scholarship Program obligation) or other entity, unless the obligation would be completed prior to receipt of the Dental Loan Repayment Award.
Participants are expected to be a Medicaid provider and treat at least 100 unduplicated Medicaid patients. Applications from providers currently in practice must include an individual Medicaid provider number in order to be considered. This stipulation does not apply to students who have not yet completed their training. For students who will establish practice upon completion of training, access the South Carolina Department of Health and Human Services' (DHHS) website to become a Medicaid provider. The South Carolina Dental Association (SCDA) can assist with obtaining a Medicaid provider number.
Program Details & Eligibility
For more information about the loan repayment program, provider eligibility and the contractual process, please review the program one-pager and read the program handbook.
Application Process
Steps to Apply:
- Complete Eligibility Form (via the "Apply" button below).
- If eligible, you will be routed to the full application. If not eligible, please contact the Recruitment & Retention team to discuss.
- Please complete online application in the Submittable portal. You can save as a draft and return to submit when completed.
- You will receive a confirmation email after submitting your application. If you do not receive a confirmation email from Submittable within 24 hours, please contact
Required Documentation:
All application materials must be submitted online through the Submittable portal by the deadline in order to be considered. We will not accept any applications or documents via email, mail or fax. In order for your application to be considered complete, you must upload all required materials to your application in Submittable, including:
- Proof of U.S. citizenship, U.S. National, or Lawful Permanent Resident status (U.S. birth certificate issued by a city, county or state agency of the United States, identification page of an unexpired U.S. passport, or a Certificate of Citizenship, a Naturalization Certificate, or a Green Card)
- A personal statement (1 page maximum)
- Curriculum vitae including membership organizations
- Minimum of three current signed community letters of support from lay members (not dentists) of the community*
- Copies of all educational loan documents
- Documentation of practice investment from the dentist or other organization or entities*
- 1040 Form from your most recent tax return with your social security number redacted
- Copy of the SLED State Criminal Records Check. Available at (There is a minimal charge for this check.)*
*Not required for MUSC Dental Faculty Applicants
Submit Application
Applications are submitted online via our Submittable portal. Applicants will create an account and can save and come back to edit their in-progress applications prior to submission. All supporting documents are uploaded through the application portal. The application must be fully complete and submitted by the deadline to be considered.
Applicants will receive confirmation after submitting their application and can view application status at any time in their Submittable account. If you do not receive a confirmation or cannot see your application in Submittable, please contact
The application cycle is currently closed and will reopen in October 2025.
All application materials must be submitted online through the Submittable portal by the deadline in order to be considered. We will not accept any applications or documents via email, mail or fax. In order for your application to be considered complete, you must upload all required materials to your application in Submittable.
Join the Mailing List
Join our mailing list to receive updates about the Rural Dentist Loan Repayment Program and get notified when application cycles open.
Join the Rural Dentist Program Mailing ListIn July 2024, the Rural Behavioral Health Professional Incentive Program was established via state budget proviso 23.5 to provide financial incentives to behavioral and mental health professionals who contract to practice in non-urbanized areas of the state.
Program Details & Eligibility
For more information about the incentives, provider eligibility and the contractual process, please review the program one-pager and read the program handbook.
Update to Practice Location Eligibility Criteria Check (January 2025):The Rural Behavioral Health Professional Incentive Program was established to support behavioral and mental health professionals who contract to practice in non-urbanized areas of South Carolina. To ensure that program eligibility is based on the most relevant federal data on community needs and rural status, we’ve expanded the federal data included when determining practice location eligibility. Please check the documents below for more information.
Application Process
Steps to Apply:
- Complete Eligibility Form (via the "Apply" button below).
- If eligible, you will be routed to the full application. If not eligible, please contact the Recruitment & Retention team to discuss.
- Please complete online application in the Submittable portal. You can save as a draft and return to submit when completed.
- You will receive a confirmation email after submitting your application. If you do not receive a confirmation email from Submittable within 24 hours, please contact
Required Documentation:
All application materials must be submitted online through the Submittable portal by the deadline in order to be considered. We will not accept any applications or documents via email, mail or fax. In order for your application to be considered complete, you must upload all required materials to your application in Submittable, including:
- Initial Eligibility Form
- Application, which includes:
- Demographic, practice, and licensure information
- Proof of U.S. citizenship
- Practice type, location, and employment status
- Completed Practice Site Form* (This form is available for download within the application. It must be completed by the practice manager and uploaded to your application in Submittable.)
- Curriculum Vitae
*Please note: you must have a practice site/employment location secured to be eligible for this program. For resources for identifying rural employment opportunities in South Carolina, please visit the South Carolina Office of Rural Health’s website.
Submit Application
Applications are submitted online via our Submittable portal. Applicants will create an account and can save and come back to edit their in-progress applications prior to submission. All supporting documents are uploaded through the application portal. The application must be fully complete and submitted in Submittable by the deadline to be considered. Please note: you must have a practice site/employment location secured to be eligible for this program.
Applicants will receive confirmation after submitting their application and can view application status at any time in their Submittable account. If you do not receive a confirmation or cannot see your application in Submittable, please contact
The application cycle is now open. All applications must be complete and submitted through the online portal by April 11, 2025 at 4:00pm EDT. Please be sure to submit early, to avoid last minute technical difficulties.
Apply for Behavioral Health Incentive ProgramJoin the Mailing List
Join our mailing list to receive updates about the Rural Behavioral Health Professional Incentive Program and get notified when application cycles open.
Sign Up for Behavioral Health Incentive Email ListProgram Administration
The program is administered by South Carolina AHEC and managed by the South Carolina Rural Behavioral Health Professional Incentive Program Board, the members of which are defined in the South Carolina Code of Laws. This board meets periodically to vote on applicants and discuss other items of business. The board is composed of the following representatives: the Chief Executive Officer, or his designee, of the South Carolina Office of Rural Health; a representative from the South Carolina Primary Care Office of the Department of Public Health; a behavioral health professional; a representative from the South Carolina Department of Mental Health; and a staff member from the South Carolina Area Health Education Consortium. This board serves without compensation.
The SC Behavioral Health Loan Repayment Program is made possible through a federal grant from HRSA. We will not be accepting further applications under this grant.
The South Carolina Behavioral Health Loan Repayment Program aimed to address gaps in access to mental health care and disparities in health outcomes between rural and urban areas of South Carolina. This program helped repay educational loans up to $25,000 a year for two years for qualified behavioral health professionals who contract to practice in rural and/or underserved areas of South Carolina.
Program Details & Eligibility
For more information about the loan repayment program requirements, the contractual process, and penalties for failing to complete your service obligation, please review the Program Handbook (PDF) and sample contract (PDF).
This program is funded by a grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (grant #H56HP46820) and administered by South Carolina AHEC. Requirements for this program are structured in accordance with HRSA program requirements for the State Loan Repayment Program.
Using funds from the Marlboro County General Hospital Foundation, South Carolina AHEC will provide loan repayment to medical practitioners (physicians, advanced clinical practitioners, pharmacists, and registered nurses) who practice in Marlboro County, South Carolina.
The purpose of the payments will be to attract medical practitioners to Marlboro County. Amounts will be determined by fund availability and will be set by South Carolina AHEC from time to time. The present policy is that physicians will be paid up to $25,000 for each year of service in Marlboro County, advanced clinical practitioners up to $15,000 per year, pharmacists up to $15,000 per year, and registered nurses up to $10,000. Contracts will be for a four-year period. Payments will be made annually the 13th month following 12 months of continuous full-time employment.See application packet for eligibility details.
Download the Application (PDF)
Connecting Providers to Communities
"The Rural Incentive Grant Program has been an incredible blessing for me and my career as a family medicine physician. After the great accomplishment of graduating from residency I was still faced with an extensive amount of debt that accumulated from attending a private medical school. I knew that I wanted to stay and practice locally, near my residency, but unfortunately student loan repayment was not an option in the position I desperately wanted. Thanks to the Rural Physician Incentive Grant Program, I felt confident in accepting a position in an underserved area of South Carolina. I knew that the money from the grant would present an excellent way for me to continue paying off my medical school debt and still serve the community by filling the role of a much needed primary care physician. Without this grant, I may have had to pursue my career elsewhere, however, now I am blessed to be able to continue to do what I love, full scope family medicine."