Brent Egan MD
Brent M. Egan, MD is Professor of Medicine at the University of South Carolina School of Medicine, Greenville. He received his medical degree and training in medicine and hypertension at the University of Michigan. His research interests have centered on
metabolic syndrome, mechanisms of obesity-associated hypertension and vascular disease, and key drivers of cardiovascular outcomes in primary care. The work led to more than 250 original papers and reviews, positions on 7
editorial boards, and selection on the Best Doctors list for 1998–2013. Dr. Egan’s current professional efforts center on translating efficacy in clinical trials to effective care in community based practices with emphasis on vascular risk
factor control and treatment resistant hypertension. He started the Outpatient Quality Improvement Network (OQUIN) Hypertension Initiative at the Medical University of South Carolina in 1999 to collaborate with primary care physicians
in South Carolina and beyond to optimize control of modifiable cardiovascular risk factors and reduce cardiovascular events. OQUIN recently transitioned to the Care Coordination Institute (CCI) in Greenville, South Carolina and is
presently collaborating with ~500 primary care practices with some 3 million patients. These practices are currently meeting 2017 standards of the Centers for Disease Control’s Million Hearts Program. South Carolina has risen from
50 to 34 in cardiovascular disease mortality in the U.S. Dr. Egan remains committed to working with a broad range of colleagues to realize greater benefits of evidence-based medicine