Presenter Details

Bruce McIntyre III
Bruce McIntyre III founded saveArose after losing his fiancée Amber Rose Isaac in April 2020 due to medical negligence throughout her entire pregnancy. Amber had developed HELLP SYNDROME that went ignored, and she was not told her condition until the day she was induced for labor and had to undergo an Emergency C Section while her platelet levels were under the 40’s. She did not survive and her death was 100% preventable.

His mission has been to combat and dismantle the systemic flaws within the medical system and to redirect the course of birth equity towards better birthing solutions that benefit everyone. Bruce has been working ceaselessly to prevent senseless mortalities/ morbidities from happening and creating a space where women of color feel seen and heard.

Bruce is a focal subject to the award winning/ Emmy nominated film Aftershock on Hulu and many other News & Media outlets. He has also influenced legislative change throughout the U.S and has touched the hearts of millions around the world.