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Stephanie Carrington

Meet the sensational Stephanie Carrington, the superhero of community health at the Richmond Henrico Health District! Hailing from the vibrant city of Richmond, VA, Stephanie is the stellar Certified Community Health Worker Senior. Armed with a Social Science degree from Reynolds and a whopping 13 years of RHHD experience, she fearlessly leads her team of health heroes in the lively east end of Richmond. But wait, there's more! Stephanie also dazzles as the President of the Virginia Community Health Workers Association. Her dedication to health fairness and community cheer shines through all her endeavors. Beyond her professional cape, Stephanie volunteers at shelters and food banks, spreading care and kindness to those in need. Colleagues hail her as a beacon of hope and resilience, always ready with an ear to listen or a hand to help. And get this - amidst her heroics, she finds solace in books and cherishes moments with her adorable grandkids. Stephanie Carrington: a true health hero with a heart of gold!