Continuing Professional Development
Connecting Professionals to Training & Education
About the Program
South Carolina AHEC continuing professional development programs enhance clinical skills, address ongoing and emerging health trends in the state and help professionals maintain their licensure and certifications.
South Carolina AHEC identifies the needs of healthcare professionals throughout the state and takes the programming to them, whether in-person or via distance education technology. This supports quality healthcare delivery and enables professionals to maintain their licensure and certifications in a cost-efficient manner, all while staying in or near their communities.
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Continuing Professional Education Programs Last Year
Continuing Education Options

South Carolina AHEC continuing education programs provide practicing health professionals with seminars, certification courses and skills workshops. All four AHEC centers employ CE Coordinators from various health professions whose principal role is to assess, develop, and coordinate continuing education programs for health professionals in their regions.
Programming takes place at the four regional AHEC centers as well as locations throughout the entire state of South Carolina. Regional programming can be found on the statewide SC AHEC calendar or on the regional centers' websites. Contact your regional center to find opportunities near you.
The South Carolina AHEC System provides distance learning opportunities via webinars, on-demand videos and online modules to ensure that busy professionals have access to the education they need, regardless of where they are located in the state.
South Carolina AHEC Learning Portal

Statewide opportunities are available via the AHEC Learning Portal including webinars, online modules and on-demand videos. Register to participate in programs that feature local, state and national experts engaging in case-based dialogues designed to address the educational needs of community providers. Additional opportunities are available to health professions students who are on rural clinical rotations and students who are interested in becoming health professionals.

New! Starting January 2025, AHEC U content will be available on the AHEC Learning Portal. For more information about this transition, please visit transition FAQ page.
Established in 2015 through a partnership with and funding from the MUSC Center for Telehealth, telehealth education programming is now integrated into all levels of curriculum at South Carolina AHEC, from high school students throughout the health professions pipeline to practicing professionals. Telehealth programming educates students and healthcare professionals about emerging trends in the implementation and use of telehealth.
South Carolina AHEC is an active education partner with the South Carolina Telehealth Alliance. We partner with providers, academic institutions and healthcare systems to provide training and education that supports telehealth implementation in South Carolina.
What is Telehealth?
Telehealth is the use of electronic information and telecommunications technologies to support and promote long-distance clinical health care, patient and professional health-related education, public health and health administration. Technologies include videoconferencing, the internet, store-and-forward imaging, streaming media, and terrestrial and wireless communications.
- Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA)
Telehealth leverages technology to extend access to care to individuals who may not otherwise be able to travel or reach health services. This can include extending access to specialists in rural and underserved areas, allowing for coordinated and patient-centered care and supporting the patient-centered medical home.
Telehealth in South Carolina
South Carolina Telehealth Alliance: The SCTA is a statewide collaboration of many organizations joining forces to expand telehealth services across the state. The SCTA provides guidance, assists with strategic development, and advises on technology and standards to develop an open-access network. This open-access network gives all South Carolina residents access to quality health care, while effectively managing the cost of providing care.
The SCTA strives to improve the health of all South Carolinians through telehealth: Telehealth will grow to support delivery of health care to all South Carolinians with an emphasis on underserved and rural communities. It will facilitate, coordinate and make more accessible quality care, education and research that are patient-centered, reliable and timely. Our state will become recognized for telehealth that is uniquely collaborative, valuable and cost effective.
Palmetto Care Connections: PCC offers telehealth support services and membership opportunities to health care providers. PCC works to coordinate existing telehealth activities, expand successful models, develop new applications, assist providers in navigating telemedicine implementation, advocate for reimbursement by all payers and serve as a resource for telehealth information for South Carolinians.
Telehealth Modules and Education
Want to learn more about telehealth? The AHEC Learning Portal has information about the foundations of telehealth, telepresenter training, telehealth implementation, billing and reimbursement and more.

Partnering to Support SC's Healthcare Workforce
"SCHA's mission is to support its member hospitals in creating a world-class healthcare delivery system for the people of South Carolina by fostering high quality patient care and serving as effective advocates for the hospital community . . . By partnering with AHEC, we can offer and provide high quality and relevant continuing education opportunities covering diverse topics to our members."