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Attachment-Informed Trauma Therapy: An Eclectic Blend of EMDR, Polyvagal Interventions, and Ego States Therapy

Program Date & Time:
May 15, 2025 | 9:00am-4:30pm both days
  • In-person
Registration Fee:
View flyer (PDF)
Additional Details
Instructional Hours:
Registration Deadline:
5/11/25 11:59 PM
Cancellation Deadline:
5/13/25 11:59 PM
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This 2-day workshop is designed for mental health providers who render psychotherapy services. It will emphasize trauma-informed modalities for client populations who struggle with the impact of traumatic experiences, symptoms like PTSD, dissociation, psychosomatic complaints, and interpersonal distress. Workshop topics will include the neurophysiological impact of trauma, transgenerational trauma, attachment-informed EMDR therapy resources, ego states therapy, polyvagal interventions, and ethical provider sustainability. Providers at all levels of practice are encouraged to attend. We will thoroughly explore how trauma is stored in the brain, and consequently the body, highlighting the function of dissociation and targeting effective clinical interventions to sustain long-lasting recovery. For providers who are curious about EMDR therapy, this training will serve as an EMDR primer to discuss the differences of EMDR from other therapies, including the unique role of therapeutic bilateral stimulation. Through the use of didactic lectures, experiential demonstrations, and case studies, attendees will gain immediately applicable knowledge and clinical skills administer these specialized modalities with clients.

Keywords: Trauma, PTSD, attachment, dissociation, parts, polyvagal, ego states therapy, EMDR therapy, transgenerational trauma, compassion, trauma-informed, ethics, sustainability


At the completion of this activity, participants will be able to:

  • Conceptualize a clinical case utilizing an attachment-informed EMDR perspective.
  • Understand phase 1 and phase 2 of the EMDR 8-phase model, and to practice the skill of EMDR resourcing that can be immediately applied to clients.
  • Develop attachment-informed resources with clients who have experienced early childhood wounds.
  • Recognize the application of polyvagal theory in trauma-informed psychotherapy and practice clinical interventions to address vagus nerve activation with clients.
  • Understand the role of ego states therapy when treating complex PTSD and develop clinical interventions to reduce the impact of dissociation when in sessions with clients.
  • Apply ego states interventions with clients when cultivating self-love and self-worth.
No disclosure available
Credits Available
  • Counselors/Therapist
    Credit Statement
    This program (#24053-03) is approved for 12 EMDRIA Credits. Eligibility for EMDRIA Credits is restricted to those who have completed an EMDRIA-Approved Basic EMDR Training.
  • All other participants
    Area Health Education Consortium
    Credit Statement
    This program provides 1.2 CEUs (12 clock hours) by Upstate AHEC and meets South Carolina AHEC Best Practice Standards.
Locations/Participation Options
  • Location:
    Greenville , SC Details

If you have questions about the credits, location/video conference information, or any other details specific to this particular program, please reach out to the contact(s) below:

  • Name:
    Brandi England
  • Name:
    Belinda Cowan
If you have questions related to registering or using the AHEC Learning Portal, please contact