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Preceptor Orientation & Education

Program Date & Time:
January 27, 2019
  • Online module
Registration Fee:
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Instructional Hours:
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The MUSC College of Nursing has developed a preceptor orientation and education program specifically for Preceptors in South Carolina. Development of the modules was partially funded through the HRSA Advanced Nurse Education Workforce grant T94HP30872. The goal of the HRSA ANEW grant is to increase access to primary care for rural and underserved populations and increase academic partnerships. Preceptors are an essential link between the educational program, clinical practice and recruitment to rural and underserved settings. These modules are time effective and cover topics which will support and reinforce the important role you are filling as a preceptor. The modules include the following topics: Preceptor Roles & Responsibilities; Adult Learning Basics, Evidence-Based Practice, Time Management, Communication and Feedback, and Interprofessional Practice. Participants can obtain a certificate of completion once all six modules are complete.

Keywords: preceptor faculty development interprofessional


At the completion of this activity, participants will be able to:

  • Understand preceptor roles and responsibilities in the clinical setting and develop one student learning objective.
  • Identify at least two strategies to enhance adult learning.
  • Role model and apply Evidence Based Practice (EBP) terminology and methodologies in precasting inter professional students.
  • Identify at least two strategies to improve personal time management.
  • Articulate examples of sources of conflict in communication and methods to provide meaningful feedback.
  • Identify at least three strategies for facilitating inter professional precasting best practices.
The MUSC College of Nursing has developed a preceptor orientation and education program specifically for Preceptors in South Carolina. Development of the modules was partially funded through the HRSA Advanced Nurse Education Workforce grant T94HP30872.
Credits Available
  • All Participants
    Area Health Education Consortium
    Credit Statement
    Participation recognition only: This 2 hour(s) program is presented by SC AHEC.
Locations/Participation Options

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